privacy policy
The Sebring Owners Club (SOC) Membership Data Policies
Organisation & Officers
The Club has a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and three Ordinary members that together form the Committee.
The current people holding these posts are detailed in the SOC magazine which is printed and posted to all members.
The Club has a Data Protection Officer (DPO). The Data protection Officer is appointed and reviewed at the AGM.
The DPO is responsible for reporting any issues regarding members' data and carrying out any actions decided by the committee resulting from any issue.
Summary of Data Held by the Club
This Club holds the following data for each member as provided by the member at the time of joining. Each member can choose what data is provided at the time of joining.
Mailing name
Mailing address
Email address
Home telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Car type
Car registration
Engine type
The above data is held by the SOC Secretary and is currently stored as a MS Office Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is password protected. Committee members and the SOC Magazine Editor only will have access to the password.
Use of Data
The above data is shared with the SOC Magazine Editor for the purposes of contacting members for information for the magazine
and for mailing out the magazine.
The data can be shared with other committee members on request.
From time to time the following data only is shared with all club members for the purpose of knowing who has similar cars in their area.
Mailing name
Town & County of residence
Car type
Engine type
If one member wishes to contact another member the request should go to the SOC Secretary.
The Secretary will contact the other member and confirm that their information can be given to the person requesting the information.
The member receiving information about another member should not share the information with others without their express permission.
The above data shall not be shared with any person or organisation outside of the SOC.
If requests for information are sent out by Email to multiple members the sender must use 'Blind Circulation Copy' (Bcc) and not Circulation Copy (CC).
Note: - Bcc sends the email to all recipients but each individual recipient does not see any other email addresses save for the sender.
Procedure for removal of membership data
The Master copy of the membership listing is held by the SOC Secretary. All and any changes to the membership listing must be done to the Master copy by the SOC Secretary.
Data is to be removed from the members listing for the following reasons:
Any member can request the removal, or part removal, of their individual data. The request should be in writing.
When a membership is cancelled all data will be removed from the members listing by the SOC Secretary. The SOC Secretary should inform the ex-member that they have been removed.